Be a CITIZEN 1st

This country’s population reveals a colorful gumbo, often stewed in what is called a melting pot because of the myriad cultures. This thing of beauty is called America. We are populated with several motley crews, meant in the best sense of the description. However, it appears this truth has made it difficult, at times seemingly impossible, to find unity with one another.

Are we only interested in the perspectives and needs of those in our own crews, our tribes really? How does a citizenry of the disconnected, the well-connected and those utterly disenfranchised individuals find connection? There are groups who are by and large convinced they’ll never have a connection with their neighbors. They believe there will never be a basis to unify with those who perceive them as the other. What is the answer to bringing about unity? How can we achieve it when there are too many who support the notion that fellow citizen notwithstanding, if you are of a different religion, ethnic group or race, sexual orientation or of a different socio-economic class, you are not my people? Will an American identity be the tie that binds us? Are their American values in practice, or are they only theoretical? Will ideas democracy, and ideals such as common decency, and respect for all humanity become identifiably foundational in the American identity. Are they now, will they ever be sacrosanct?

Some of these answers may best be revealed in the statistical data that reveals how many Americans are lacking in knowledge and have little understanding of history. Many citizens not only don’t know how our government operates, they are also unaware that each citizen has the power to empower himself. Subsequently the knowledge of the individuals is what empowers the country to be better and do better by one another. We believe it begins with citizens in possession of civic knowledge. It is our belief that informed citizens standing side by side, wielding it in the name of Dignity, Equality, Justice and Liberty for all, is indeed what can make the most healthy, strong and powerful society to stand against all enemies foreign and domestic. What if we as citizens looked to one another instead of media talking heads, or so-called representatives, leaders who often lead with their own personally misguided agendas?

The soul of America is won by each of us being #asoulcitizen